Friday, February 20, 2009

Gimme da loot, gimme da loot

So....still no baby. I don't think i can wait anymore, I know Sarah can't. The people at work claim its a boy because boys are lazy, and they think my unborn baby is being lazy. So I quickly retorted with "this is America and you can love it or leave" and they proceeded to love it, then I left it. Work that is, to go home and have a nice lunch with Sarah when low and behold...I had been robbed. (enter organ crash and other cinematic sound effects designed to create an uneasy seems of excitement)

What!?! you thought (thats how I think, like when I heard about the Amare Staudamire eye injury, I went huh!?!, no! not now!!!!! why?!?!?!, grammer police have no jurisdiction in my head...or blog) So back to me getting robbed, the mrs. in her due dillagence was of to the store to buy me food (actually with her mom to buy soap or something) and was gone two hours tops, enter me lovingly driving home thinking about hugging my wife, perhaps taking a picture of the hug, maybe in front of our 5' 4' Arizona flag, and maybe she could wear some costume jewlery newly aquired from my grandma who had just passed, and I could wear some underwear, and we could video tape the whole process, then post it on this blog and even but it on our ipod to watch at our own time, on the go. When I got a call on my cellphone, I phone I was planning on replacing with the windfall of cash in our tax return, that our house had been broken into. Horrible you say, well your right. They took our computer, ipod, video camera, picture camera, Arizona Flag, two of my guitars, my effing underwear, some of my wifes jewels, my gmas costume jewlery, a baby blanket...and that is all I know so far. Bummer indeed.

So we called the cops, they said it had been a string of burgleries in our hood, and went on there way, we are trying to get our landlords insurance to cover this...but we shall see. I am out about 4500 in stuff, and deeper in a hole that I can't get out for the foreseeable futurre. So things are looking good around here.

Sarah has been having some stomach pain, and we are hoping it doesn't lead to much, becasue the DR said to go to the hospital if it doesn't go away. She is handling well I suppose, she did come with me to work, were she was showered with eastern euro praise. I also have a great support network (I tried to think of something less gay to say, but I didn't so eat a dick) and special thanks to Nick Norris for letting me borrow his laptop, so I can go to social network sites and post blogs eeerr pay the bills an dkeep in contact.

So....if you got my stuff ha ha ha jokes on me, give it back, if not...maybe talk to you when the baby comes.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Familia es muy importante. kid yet, but we have heard some news on the up coming kid front. Sarahs sister Amy is pregnant and will be due in September, and Sarahs bro John has a boy due in May plus some rumblings about some more population growth from various others. So my kid will be several months older than Johnny's boy and a good 6 months older than Amys 2nd child, making him/her the alpha dog of this new batch of children into the Platt fold. (I only say these because of the strict Mennonite and Military training I will raise the kid on, in reality there is 13 or so older cousins, so him/her is pretty much effed). I am sure Johnny and his wife will have more kids, the inevitable spawn of Rick and Bekah will eventually come and my sister may or may not have a kid, so I will tell my child, sit him/her on my knee and instruct him/her on the principles of discreetly buying alcohol for underage relatives. Oddly, as i think about that, I have purchased alcohol for minors maybe twice, once when me and my sister drank some beers after my dad passed away and once for Johhny, he wanted a 12 pack of Budweiser and some Ballatore champagne. I have never been asked at a gas station...since I turned 21. I remember on a couple occasions where guys obviously older than me would ask if i can get them some booze, in which I replied no, but can you guys get me some smokes (I was under 18). Huh.

This all kinda leads me to think about the morals we want to instill on our kid, you know golden rule kinda stuff, but really, how am I going to straight faced tell a kid to not smoke or drink. When I was in Nebraska in January for my G-mas funeral, we were at my Uncles house watching some distant farm boy relative run circles around the house (which was all Ikea stuff, which must have been ordered thru a catalog, which takes some balls, i have trouble buying half there crap in person. not that its all crap, its just the good stuff is good and the cheap reference my coffee table for further proof.) any way the kid was running around the house and my cousin started asking questions about when kids do things. When is the first cuss word? When do they start to settle down? When do they start to drink and smoke? The father replied, 16-18 but if your a Rial it is guaranteed 12. I glanced across the room and saw all my uncles, my sister, my Rial cousins (who are all in there late 30's save for two) all kinda blush and nervously laugh. I smoked my first cigarette at 12, and I think I swilled a mouth full of vodka around then also. So how did they tell there kids not to do that, I actually don't remember my parents telling me not to, I remember my dad constantly trying to get me to drink beers with him, and I was definitely the go for at party's for fresh cold ones. I remember my Mom once telling me not to smoke because it was too expensive, not because of health risks.

Any ways, I have no problem with buying alcohol for minors, if you use your judgement and be discreet. Yes it is not a victimless action, they could go drink and drive or get date raped or get alcohol poison, but they are going to get it some way some how, and if you size one up right, you could just be doing some kids a solid instead of guaranteeing some 15 year old girls pregnancy later that night. And pot....I think it should be legal, I see it as a less evil than booze, I applaud the president for his statement of "yes I have in haled, I did it a lot, isn't that the point" marijuana and the crack down on it is retarded. But it IS illegal, how to you get around the paradox? I don't know, and I have a good decade and a half...wait the kid will be a Rial, I have 12 years to figure it out.

Sarah has been busy making the room the kid won't use for several months nice and pretty. I am jealous. Jealous of the room with matching and "nice" furniture, jealous of Sarah's attention, but its cool I guess. This post is getting a little touchy feel-y and I don't think I have said one thing witty, I will end it before I get too deep.
