Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Get out of my dreams...and into the kitchen and make some food

Well not having a working camera is really harshing the mellow of the Hot Chicks of Russian Curling Calender Photo Shoot rejects known as the Rial Blog, so we haven't really been up keeping this chronicle of our exciting and drug fueled lives. Sure, we can come on here and ramble about how our neighborhood gentrification is derailing and we are probably stuck in the ghetto that we thought was moving up in the socio-economic ladder or give a play by play analysis of the Rockey movies entry we wrote about the Rockey Movies, but that really all seems boring to write, and even more boring to read. (I know, this blog has some of the most side splitting, cunning, almost transcendentalist like literature available on the Internet, so I agree, we shouldn't sully this reputation with a post that actually has a theme and topic.)

So, what is up with us as of late? Well, we left you with the tale of how Corey gained the hunger for human flesh and every full moon he would morph into a carnivorous wolf and terrorize the streets...well he took some medicine, apparently it was just syphilis, so that is better. Penelope came down with some serious case of...I don't, but she need cotton candy flavored penicillin, and that was fun. It really was fun, not in the sarcastic, "I had my leg amputated and now I have to run a marathon to save my family's fisheries in the Bay of Bengal or all is lost, so that is fun" kinda way, it was actually fun giving her the candy medicine. She loved, not at first, but she grew to become dependent on it and we had to ween her off it with Cabbage flavored methadone, so she is doing good now.

Penelope has also sprouted another tooth, making the total count 3. Same as hobos and Circle K late shift employees. So she has that going for her. She will also be turning 1 come March 4, we are having immediate family over, which means a head count of around that of small herds of cattle, so we have been battling the weather to try and clean up the weeds and random stuff that have become staples in our yard. Oh, we also removed a massive tree, because well, we hate shade, and planted two lysoloma, a drought tolerant fast growing desert tree. This wasn't fun.

So, catch you l8ter.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

From a dark throne perched

Penelope experienced snow for the very first time this weekend, this pictures are not from that time.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The flames of one thousand fires

So the Rial Blog Organic Fecal Factory has been bumming hard on the lack of a winter experienced in the Valley (actually a basin) of the sun. Its not that alot of true and honest winters occur here (this is what I am told by people that like to talk about places that they aren't currently living in) but shit man...I don't think I saw my breathe once, was never like "purr, its cold, perhaps a light coat or a hooded sweatshirt isn't enough for this, the gods must hate us" it was a very mild winter. But...the last two winters or so, The Rial Blog Steak Knife Sharpening Tandem had spent at least two or so weekends of the winter season in the frozen high desert that is named maybe that created the illusion of cold. Who knows...but we are not hyped on the impending endless heat.

Quick side note, I personally love the heat, but I love the heat in a 5-7 month way, not a 6-9 month kinda way, if your following me.

Buuut...speaking of heading north, we will be bringing the kid up to flagstaff for some aunt/gma birthday action on Saturday, so maybe we will send the cold out with a bang, and by bang we mean venereal disease.

Well...the camera is still broke and we are borrowing one that we do not know how to upload, so one of these days we will have 360871288634 pics to share with you, our huddle masses. Hmmm....yeah...that is all....

Shitty Post...Out!